Special Track on
Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2024©
in the context of
The 28th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2024©
September 10 - 13, 2024  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***

  How to Organize an Invited Session

Based on past conferences experience, we suggest the following steps in order to organize an invited session:

1) Identify a special topic in the scope of DeMset 2024, and the invited session title.

2) Fill the invited session organization form, provided in the conference web page Invited Session/Invited Session Organizers option. If you don’t have access to the web, please, contact the DeMset 2024 Secretariat to the following e-mail: wmsci-sec@mail.iiis2024.org.

3) If the identified topic is suitable, the General Chair will accept the proposal, and you will receive an acceptation by e-mail, in a few days. This acceptation is not a final approval of the proposed session, but a pre-approval. The final approval will depend on identifying at least five papers for the proposed session, to be presented at the conference, and informing, at least, about their titles. With this acceptation: a) the proposed session will be included in the conference web page as well as its organizer's and chair's names, and b) its organizer will be able to announce his/her invited session in the context of DeMset 2024, by any media that he/she thinks appropriate, such as: Web page, hard-copy call for papers, call for papers attached to e-mails, etc. The invited session organizer has the responsibility of his or her session content.

4) Contact researchers and/or practitioners in your field to see if they can contribute a paper to your proposed session and attend at DeMset 2024.

5) Collect the extended abstracts or the paper drafts from each prospective participant.

6) As soon as you have 5 reviewed and accepted papers, you will complete the form regarding the invited session papers, provided in the conference web page Invited Session/Invited Session Organizers option.

7) Step 6 will take your invited session to the status of an approved one if the papers fulfill all the requirements (i.e. quality). All the approved invited sessions will be included in the DeMset 2024 conference program.

8) No author, including the organizer, can present more than two papers in the invited session. A scholar/researcher can co-author more papers, but he, or she, cannot present more than two papers in the same invited session.

Invited sessions and symposia organizers with the best performance will be co-editors of the proceedings volume where their session or symposia paper were included.

Chairs of invited sessions will select the best paper presented at their session. Sessions' best papers will be reviewed by reviewers of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI) in order to select the best 30% of them for their respective publications in the Journal.

Best invited sessions and symposia organizers are candidates for invited editors or co-editors of the JSCI Journal special issue related to their field of research interest.

Invited Session Organizer Role

An invited session organizer has a similar role to the invited editor in a journal, i.e. he or she is invited to identify and look for high quality papers, to review the papers of his, or her, session, to select the reviewers that will help him, or her, and to decide which papers he/she wants to be presented at respective invited session.

The invitation is an academic, not a financial one, because, unfortunately, we have no financial sponsor and the conference should self-finance itself. Consequently, we cannot make any financial commitment.

In this way we are trying to give a first step in re-engineering the process of conference organization: to move decisions to the right people, to those interfacing with the conference users, i.e. the authors. Our experience in the last 10 events we organized showed us that the invited organizers help a lot into achieving higher quality levels. So, an invited session organizer can dedicate his/her time and efforts to improve the papers quality in the research area of his/her interest and DeMset 2024 Organizing Committee will provide him/her with the place, the logistics, the proceedings, the intellectual and the physical context, etc. All that the invited session organizer has to worry about is the quality of the papers to be presented in her/his session(s).

Every session organizer will chair his/her session(s), and will be a member of DeMset 2024 Program Committee and might be one of the co-editors of one volume of the proceedings, if his/her session(s) is(are) among the largest invited session(s) published in the respective volume. Depending on the quality and quantity of the papers of his/her session(s), as well as on the scope of the possible interested audience, IIIS may ask him/her, to edit, or co-edit, a multiple authors book to be published.

An invited Session Organizer gets in charge of the reviewing process of her/his invited session papers (directly and/or by means of a Focal Program Committee she/he selects for her/his session), and she/he can make her/his own timetable, as long as the camera-ready papers are ready for the respective deadline, and she/he informs us about the initial set of accepted papers (at least 5 titles and their respective authors and e-mails) by the announced respective deadline. The invited session organizer has the autonomy required as to be the responsible for the quality of the papers to be presented in his, or her, session.

The Invited Session organizer will chair his/her session. While chairing it, she/he will determine oral presentation time according to the number of participants physically present. Usually 2-2:30 hours are allocated for each session containing an average of 5 papers, with a maximum of 6. Sometimes we include 7 papers in a session because statistically 10-15% of the registered persons don't show up. Then, when we allocate 7 papers, we are expecting a maximum of 6 oral presentations. When an Invited Session has more than 7 papers with their respective 7 registered participants, we allocate them into two time blocks of 2-2:30 hours for each block. When an Invited Session has more than 14 papers (and their respective registered participants), we allocate the presentation in three time blocks of 2-2:30 hours each block, and so on each block.

Special Tracks

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