Special Track on
Design and Modeling in Science, Education, and Technology: DeMset 2024©
in the context of
The 28th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2024©
September 10 - 13, 2024  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***

  Submission of Extended Abstract for Virtual Participation

Submissions made for Virtual Participation will go trough the same reviewing processes of the regular papers (double-blind, non-blind, and participative peer reviewing) and, if accepted (according to the same acceptance policy), they will be included in the proceedings and will be eligible for journal publication, with no additional cost, if they are, according to their reviewers, among the best 25%-30% of those physically and virtually presented at the conference. Articles accepted for virtual participation will not be included in the face-to-face program of the conference, but they will be included in the program displayed in the Web for virtual participation.

To submit an extended abstract (600-2000 words, not a full paper), for Virtual Participation you should enter the data regarding the paper and your possible co-author(s). You should also enter the data related to at least one reviewer that you propose for the open, non-blind, non-anonymous reviewing of your extended abstract. You should suggest at least one (1) and no more than three (3) reviewers for the open, non-blind review of your extended abstract. You should not suggest yourself or any of your co-authors for the open, non-blind reviewing of your extended abstract. You may propose your adviser, any of your professors or lecturers, colleagues, co-workers, etc. You should know the reviewers you are suggesting, and you should contact and inform them about the reviews they would be doing for you.

Submitted abstracts: a) will be sent at least to three reviewers chosen from the Program Committee (and the additional reviewers) of DeMset 2024 for its double-blind reviewing; b) will also have an open, non-blind review based on the reviewer(s) proposed by the author of the paper; and c) could be posted as received, without any previous screening, by the Organizing Committee, on the website of the conference where it can be accessed, via password, by the authors who made submissions in the same area, sub-area or topic. The posting of the submission as received, without any previous screening, would be done in the context of a participative peer-to-peer reviewing.

Extended abstracts acceptance, or non-acceptance, for their presentation in the conference, will be based on both kinds of reviews, i.e. open (non-blind) and double-blind reviews.

All reviews (open and double-blind) will also serve, along with the selection of session’s best presented papers, as basis for selecting the best 10-20% of the final papers for their future publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI).

Please enter the data about your submission. It is highly recommended that you do not omit any co-author. When entering the required data, a summary of these data will be displayed in the summary box below. Once you have included all your submission data, please click on the "NEXT" button, located below the summary box. Then, you should proceed to include the data related to the reviewer(s). You are proposing for the open review of your submission.


Special Tracks

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