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Special Track on
Management, Engineering and Informatics: MEI 2024©
in the context of
The 28th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2024©
September 10 - 13, 2024  ~  Virtual Conference
Organized by IIIS
in Orlando, Florida, USA.
*** Registered authors can download their conference materials (receipt, certificate, and Proceedings) by clicking here. ***


  About the Special Track


Engineering and Management have been increasingly related for a long time.

Taylor paved the way at the beginning of the last century, and Operational Research stepped up this relationship since the end of Second World War. Research in Management Science and Engineering has been continuously growing in importance, effectiveness and usefulness.

On the other hand, the increasing significance of technological innovation in business competitiveness, generated an increasing effort to do research in the area of Engineering Management practice, and multiplied the number managers responsible for it in the engineering-oriented organizations.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) generated more synergic loops between engineering and management activities, by means of reciprocal relationships to both of them.

ICT management has been an organizational necessity since the beginning of Computing and Informatics. And, several years later, Management Support Systems and management Informatics began to show its usefulness and importance in managerial activities.

A similar kind of synergic relationships was generated between engineering and Informatics.

Given the increasing importance and usefulness of the relationships among Management, Engineering and Informatics, the main purpose of MEI 2024 is to bring together researchers, professionals, consultants, practicing engineers and managers in the areas of Informatics, Engineering and Management, in order to share their research and experience, focusing more in the relationships among these areas.

Consequently, papers submissions related to interdisciplinary research, reports regarding multidisciplinary projects, and trans-disciplinary studies and conceptual analysis, are highly encouraged.


Special Tracks

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